MPP sent these questions to 2024 U.S. Senate candidates:
1. Cannabis De-scheduling: Twenty-four states have legalized cannabis for adults 21 and older, while 41 states allow the sale of medical cannabis products that are federally illegal. Yet every cannabis consumer and worker that serves them is still a criminal under federal law.
Do you support legalizing cannabis at the federal level, allowing state and federal authorities to regulate its use?
2. SAFE Banking: Due to federal prohibition, cannabis banking is a major challenge and many transactions are cash-only, putting everyone involved at increased risk.
The SAFER Banking Act would allow cannabis businesses to access traditional banking services. Do you support this legislation?
3. Expungement: Criminal records make it difficult to get a job, housing, and to otherwise achieve one’s dreams. Many states are removing prior cannabis convictions from records to avoid ruining lives over a substance that is safer than alcohol.
Do you support creating a government-initiated process to expunge federal cannabis records?
4. Employment: Under federal law, people can be denied security clearances and federal employment for past cannabis use or for testing positive for having used cannabis days or weeks earlier.
Would you support changing federal policy to stop denying employment to individuals for past cannabis use?
5. Additional Comments
Please share any other thoughts the candidate has on cannabis reform.