On March 1, 2025, the Montana Senate Business, Labor, and Economic Affairs Committee tabled Sen. Greg Hertz’s repeal-in-disguise bill, SB 443. SB 443 would ban the sale of cannabis that consumers actually want to buy — anything with over 15% THC. Sen. Hertz (R) then proposed blasting the outrageous bill from committee. The full Senate voted his motion down 23-27. (A 28th senator intended to vote to kill the bill, but accidentally hit the wrong button.)
This will surely not be the last attempt to undermine the will of the people and return to the dark days of prohibition. It’s important that senators who voted against SB 443 hear from grateful constituents, and that those that voted for backdoor repeal hear their voters’ disappointment.
Look up your Montana State Senator by typing in your address here, then see how they voted below and give them a call or send an email. We’ve included their contact info and a sample script. Be sure to be polite and respectful.
Thank You
Sample message:
I’m [your name] from [your city/town]. I wanted to let my senator know how grateful I am for their vote against blasting SB 443 out of committee.
SB 443 would have returned us to the dark days of prohibition by banning virtually all cannabis products anyone actually wants to buy. This would have cost thousands of people their jobs, while depriving Montana of over $50 million in annual tax revenue.
Thank you so much for standing up for the will of the people!
List of Senators to Thank:
The below Montana state senators voted against springing SB 443 out of committee, thus killing the terrible bill. If your senator is on the below list, let them know how grateful you are that they stood up for protecting the will of voters.
The below Montana state senators voted to blast SB 443 out of committee, which would have given it new life. Many also co-sponsored this terrible bill. If your senator is on the list below, let them know how disappointed you are that they voted against the freedom and the will of Montana voters. Please stay as polite as possible, while conveying your disappointment. We want them to reconsider their stance, not to alienate them.
Sample message:
I’m [your name] from [your city/town]. I am extremely disappointed that my senator voted to blast SB 443 from committee.
57% of Montana voters approved cannabis legalization five years ago. SB 443 is a backdoor repeal of that law. It would ban virtually all cannabis products anyone actually wants to buy, thus driving the industry back to the underground market, and depriving Montanans of a plant that helps so many with pain, sleeping, and stress.
If there is an attempt to revive it, I hope my senator will be on the side of freedom and the will of the people.
List of Senators Who Voted to Advance Repeal-In-Disguise: